I like to imagine that at this time 48 years ago today, Mr SJ Smith was still basking in joy and enjoying a very pleasant tipple, after having landed his 16.6 Zander from the Cut-Off Channel the day before! What a capture. Although not accepted as a British record, it was fully gen with a great write-up of the story detailed in Nev & Dr Barrie's bible 'Zander'.
I've always enjoyed the story of this particular capture, it gets me proper fired up for the season ahead.
If at first you don't succeed, sky-diving is probably not the sport for you!
I know of a couple Nev but like you say, there weren't many.
It was my proper bogey water, I never got to grips with it all.
I fished it twice, had a 13.04 on the second trip. I think I was lucky as it did have a reputation as a hard water. Gudgeon dead bait if memory serves.
I know of a couple Nev but like you say, there weren't many.
It was my proper bogey water, I never got to grips with it all.
I fished it twice, had a 13.04 on the second trip. I think I was lucky as it did have a reputation as a hard water. Gudgeon dead bait if memory serves.
Nice Mark, well in mate.
I know a few guys who did ok on it and in mid 90's it certainly had a reputation as a real runs water but I couldn't crack it.
I love the story about Mr Smith and his 16lb 6oz Zed though, totally unexpected and out of the blue. Extremely cool.
If at first you don't succeed, sky-diving is probably not the sport for you!