Catfish set up

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Re: Catfish set up

Post by Ben »

--Ped-- wrote: Sun Jul 28 2024 15:58 -
Mark Phillips wrote: Sun Jul 28 2024 14:35 -
--Ped-- wrote: Sun Jul 28 2024 11:34 -
Mark Phillips wrote: Sat Jul 27 2024 20:05 -
--Ped-- wrote: Fri Jul 26 2024 20:06 -
Mark Phillips wrote: Thu Jul 25 2024 19:26 -
--Ped-- wrote: Thu Jul 25 2024 19:09 -
4.5lb tc rods really as a min and look for shimano 6500 reels
Carp rods are not suitable for cats and neither are pike gear
Line wise 30-40lb mono or 80lb braid
No 4.5 tc is not a minimum and test curve is only a guide to its function and shorter rods, around 10ft are actually better suited to catfishing. You CAN use pike gear, a decent dead bait rod makes a good cat rod for fish up to around 50lb fishing open water. I've used DLST BB350's for cats and they've been very good. 15 to 20lb mono is more than sufficient and 50lb braid. This is the UK FFS. The only thing you have got right is about using carp rods, most typically designed for casting, but some can be used for smaller cats. I've had a few fish to mid 40s on my Free Spirit ES rods, 12ft 2.75tc. They're not distance rods and are very good for absorbing lunges at close range. As to reels, again, depends mainly on how far out you're fishing. You do not need big reels if most of your catfishing is under 100 yards. I get the impression you'd use a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Just saying, as people look to this Forum for solid advice from people who have the experience. You don't need to go ultra heavy for most UK catfishing situations, you just don't, especially when they run smaller, as the OP was indicating for their water.
there seems to be a trend for people don't fish for cats spouting that carp gear or pike gear is ok for cats -IT'S NOT just because somene who accidently catches one whilst fishing for other species land one on tackle that isn't strong enough it doesn't make it suitable
would you fish for pike without a trace with a match rod -i hope not so don't advise novices to catfish to use unsuitable equipment
But I do fish for cats, have done for many years, plenty of your CCG bum chums will know me and for years I was regular on their Forum; you may want to re-read my comments, as your little rant indicates you have misunderstood or chosen to ignore them and invent your own narrative. I am simply saying, 'horses for courses'. Your analogy of fishing for pike without a trace or with a match rod is about as compelling as a melted ice cream. You advocate targeting small to medium sized cats with gear you could literally land sharks on, OK... have fun with that. The first couple of waters I fished for them, they ran to 40lb, most were 20's. I easily managed them on my dead bait rods, no issues at all. I only bought dedicated cat rods, Daiwa Powermesh 4lb tc when I started to fish waters where 40lb fish were the norm and they ran to 100lb plus. Having caught plenty of those, again, no issues whatsoever in controlling fish and landing them quickly; I've always used 50lb braid or 20lb mono as mainline on mid-sized 4500B or now 8000D reels. Your 'advice' is telling people to spend a small fortune on gear that's way OTT for most UK waters. I don't get the mindset some have towards cats, maybe they think the heavier the gear they use, the more it makes them feel like a big man or something like that. You only need to step it up if you're fishing for really big cats and we don't have many of them over here. The biggest irony of all, most anglers I see on the bank don't play cats very well no matter what gear they use. Anyway, I let the OP make up their own mind :roll:
has some one on the CCG touched you in an impropper way as you don't seem to like them
did they tell you you were a knob for using carp gear for cats
have you got a small man complex as you seem to want to bring manliness into the gear you use
does it make you feel good to use the lightest tackle to land a fish even if it is to a detriment to the fish
all i can say is your a dick if you purposely target catys on carp gear
Oh dear, what ever you do, don't become a contestant on Countdown. You'll record the lowest score ever.
Sorry why do you feel the need to make yourself intellectual by inferring your better at making words up from random letters
Do you feel unloved today
Nice looking cat just a shame it's attached to a knob jockey
We like a bit of banter on The Pit and I know Mark can stand on his own two feet, however I’m afraid I don’t think you’ve earned the right to say that on here mate.

I like the Local Boozer analogy myself, I think you’d be getting a good hiding if you rocked up in a pub that you hadn’t earned respect in and started being a gobshite.

Let’s put this one down to experience and turn it in please lad.
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Re: Catfish set up

Post by Pikerd74 »

Mark Phillips wrote: Sun Jul 28 2024 15:00 -
davelumb wrote: Sun Jul 28 2024 12:19 -
From the CCG site:
Perhaps the best advice for beginners dipping a toe into catting for the first time is to target small to medium sized cats on a heavily stocked water and use the heaviest pike dead baiting style rod you have until you can progress to purpose made catfish rods.
Exactly how I started out and sound advice for people new to catfishing, especially fishing waters where they average 20-30lb. Your typical 3.5tc pike rod and a mid sized baitrunner will be more than adequate, landing fish pretty quickly and if you do occasionally get a bigger one, they'll be fine. I wouldn't advocate carp rods though, as most are designed more for casting, but if you only occasionally fish for cats and again, they're not huge, you'll be OK. I fish a water at the moment where I am almost the only person who targets the cats and when one of the carp guys hooks one, they don't exactly struggle to get them in; they run to around 70lb in that water, but most fish are 30ish. Anyway, as many of you know, I don't often post pictures of what I catch, but since someone clearly wants to be my new bestie, here's me with a 61lb fish caught using a BB350 and a 4500B with 50lb Powerpro, 45lb Quicksilver hooklink. From memory, I landed it in about 5 or 6 minutes on pike gear :laughs:

You said in an earlier post Mark that at times the cats were more than obliging and other times very hard to tempt, is there any particular time of year to focus my efforts?
piker al
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Re: Catfish set up

Post by piker al »

Bob Watson wrote: Sun Jul 28 2024 08:52 -
If you actually go with a rods capability and not the (nonsensical) TC, you'll find that there isn't a fish that swims in UK waters that the BB 3.5 couldn't subdue.

I once tied some 65lb braid around a tree stump and pulled it out with one of my BB's to save me digging it out. Just lieing saying!
My mate took his tope fishing of the isle of Whithorn Bob and caught tope to forty odd, they can pull a bit ! power house rods :thumbs:
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Re: Catfish set up

Post by piker al »

Mark Phillips wrote: Sun Jul 28 2024 15:00 -
davelumb wrote: Sun Jul 28 2024 12:19 -
From the CCG site:
Perhaps the best advice for beginners dipping a toe into catting for the first time is to target small to medium sized cats on a heavily stocked water and use the heaviest pike dead baiting style rod you have until you can progress to purpose made catfish rods.
Exactly how I started out and sound advice for people new to catfishing, especially fishing waters where they average 20-30lb. Your typical 3.5tc pike rod and a mid sized baitrunner will be more than adequate, landing fish pretty quickly and if you do occasionally get a bigger one, they'll be fine. I wouldn't advocate carp rods though, as most are designed more for casting, but if you only occasionally fish for cats and again, they're not huge, you'll be OK. I fish a water at the moment where I am almost the only person who targets the cats and when one of the carp guys hooks one, they don't exactly struggle to get them in; they run to around 70lb in that water, but most fish are 30ish. Anyway, as many of you know, I don't often post pictures of what I catch, but since someone clearly wants to be my new bestie, here's me with a 61lb fish caught using a BB350 and a 4500B with 50lb Powerpro, 45lb Quicksilver hooklink. From memory, I landed it in about 5 or 6 minutes on pike gear :laughs:

BOSH!! :thumbs:
J Nix
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Re: Catfish set up

Post by J Nix »

Mark Phillips wrote: Tue Jul 23 2024 19:37 -
I used Shimano 4500Bs for years and they served me well. Then switched over to the Shimano D series, the 8000D is the size I use. The clutch and baitrunner on them is very good, probably not as good as the B reel, but close enough; much better line lay though and smoother to use IMO.
Any reason why you'd recommend the D over the OC, Mark? Or are you not - that just happens to be what you use...?
The dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed
Mark Phillips
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Re: Catfish set up

Post by Mark Phillips »

JoeNickel wrote: Mon Jul 29 2024 18:56 -
Mark Phillips wrote: Tue Jul 23 2024 19:37 -
I used Shimano 4500Bs for years and they served me well. Then switched over to the Shimano D series, the 8000D is the size I use. The clutch and baitrunner on them is very good, probably not as good as the B reel, but close enough; much better line lay though and smoother to use IMO.
Any reason why you'd recommend the D over the OC, Mark? Or are you not - that just happens to be what you use...?
Actually, since you ask Joe, I think I got the Ds simply because I found them for a really low price at the time. I've not used the OC, but they get a lot of good press. Probably splitting hairs which one to use I guess. I do miss my old 4500Bs though, but one must move on. Cheers.
Piking Plonker
Mark Phillips
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Re: Catfish set up

Post by Mark Phillips »

Pikerd74 wrote: Sun Jul 28 2024 21:09 -
Mark Phillips wrote: Sun Jul 28 2024 15:00 -
davelumb wrote: Sun Jul 28 2024 12:19 -
From the CCG site:
Perhaps the best advice for beginners dipping a toe into catting for the first time is to target small to medium sized cats on a heavily stocked water and use the heaviest pike dead baiting style rod you have until you can progress to purpose made catfish rods.
Exactly how I started out and sound advice for people new to catfishing, especially fishing waters where they average 20-30lb. Your typical 3.5tc pike rod and a mid sized baitrunner will be more than adequate, landing fish pretty quickly and if you do occasionally get a bigger one, they'll be fine. I wouldn't advocate carp rods though, as most are designed more for casting, but if you only occasionally fish for cats and again, they're not huge, you'll be OK. I fish a water at the moment where I am almost the only person who targets the cats and when one of the carp guys hooks one, they don't exactly struggle to get them in; they run to around 70lb in that water, but most fish are 30ish. Anyway, as many of you know, I don't often post pictures of what I catch, but since someone clearly wants to be my new bestie, here's me with a 61lb fish caught using a BB350 and a 4500B with 50lb Powerpro, 45lb Quicksilver hooklink. From memory, I landed it in about 5 or 6 minutes on pike gear :laughs:

You said in an earlier post Mark that at times the cats were more than obliging and other times very hard to tempt, is there any particular time of year to focus my efforts?
I've done best at two distinct times; first in the spring, as they become active as crucially the water temps rise and they need to feed. The good thing there is the lack of other other anglers, particularly the carp lads, which means you can pick and chose swims and the cats won't have been caught for a while. It's not so easy working out when to kick off, but I've actually caught them with a ground frost in late March. Generally though, I'd say get at them early to mid April and you should do well and then I find things slow down into May/June and then kind of plateau out into the summer. The other time is when it's really warm and muggy; some of my best days have been in those conditions. Often when there's thunderstorms - obviously reel in if you get one overhead. Horrible conditions to fish in, but they do seem to like it. I can think of one well known catfish water where I'd re-arrange my schedule just to be on there when those conditions were forecast. I'd therefore focus early season and then max you chances in hot, muggy conditions - like we're going to get this week.
Piking Plonker
Mark Phillips
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Re: Catfish set up

Post by Mark Phillips »

Ben wrote: Sun Jul 28 2024 20:06 -
--Ped-- wrote: Sun Jul 28 2024 15:58 -
Mark Phillips wrote: Sun Jul 28 2024 14:35 -
--Ped-- wrote: Sun Jul 28 2024 11:34 -
Mark Phillips wrote: Sat Jul 27 2024 20:05 -
--Ped-- wrote: Fri Jul 26 2024 20:06 -
Mark Phillips wrote: Thu Jul 25 2024 19:26 -
--Ped-- wrote: Thu Jul 25 2024 19:09 -
4.5lb tc rods really as a min and look for shimano 6500 reels
Carp rods are not suitable for cats and neither are pike gear
Line wise 30-40lb mono or 80lb braid
No 4.5 tc is not a minimum and test curve is only a guide to its function and shorter rods, around 10ft are actually better suited to catfishing. You CAN use pike gear, a decent dead bait rod makes a good cat rod for fish up to around 50lb fishing open water. I've used DLST BB350's for cats and they've been very good. 15 to 20lb mono is more than sufficient and 50lb braid. This is the UK FFS. The only thing you have got right is about using carp rods, most typically designed for casting, but some can be used for smaller cats. I've had a few fish to mid 40s on my Free Spirit ES rods, 12ft 2.75tc. They're not distance rods and are very good for absorbing lunges at close range. As to reels, again, depends mainly on how far out you're fishing. You do not need big reels if most of your catfishing is under 100 yards. I get the impression you'd use a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Just saying, as people look to this Forum for solid advice from people who have the experience. You don't need to go ultra heavy for most UK catfishing situations, you just don't, especially when they run smaller, as the OP was indicating for their water.
there seems to be a trend for people don't fish for cats spouting that carp gear or pike gear is ok for cats -IT'S NOT just because somene who accidently catches one whilst fishing for other species land one on tackle that isn't strong enough it doesn't make it suitable
would you fish for pike without a trace with a match rod -i hope not so don't advise novices to catfish to use unsuitable equipment
But I do fish for cats, have done for many years, plenty of your CCG bum chums will know me and for years I was regular on their Forum; you may want to re-read my comments, as your little rant indicates you have misunderstood or chosen to ignore them and invent your own narrative. I am simply saying, 'horses for courses'. Your analogy of fishing for pike without a trace or with a match rod is about as compelling as a melted ice cream. You advocate targeting small to medium sized cats with gear you could literally land sharks on, OK... have fun with that. The first couple of waters I fished for them, they ran to 40lb, most were 20's. I easily managed them on my dead bait rods, no issues at all. I only bought dedicated cat rods, Daiwa Powermesh 4lb tc when I started to fish waters where 40lb fish were the norm and they ran to 100lb plus. Having caught plenty of those, again, no issues whatsoever in controlling fish and landing them quickly; I've always used 50lb braid or 20lb mono as mainline on mid-sized 4500B or now 8000D reels. Your 'advice' is telling people to spend a small fortune on gear that's way OTT for most UK waters. I don't get the mindset some have towards cats, maybe they think the heavier the gear they use, the more it makes them feel like a big man or something like that. You only need to step it up if you're fishing for really big cats and we don't have many of them over here. The biggest irony of all, most anglers I see on the bank don't play cats very well no matter what gear they use. Anyway, I let the OP make up their own mind :roll:
has some one on the CCG touched you in an impropper way as you don't seem to like them
did they tell you you were a knob for using carp gear for cats
have you got a small man complex as you seem to want to bring manliness into the gear you use
does it make you feel good to use the lightest tackle to land a fish even if it is to a detriment to the fish
all i can say is your a dick if you purposely target catys on carp gear
Oh dear, what ever you do, don't become a contestant on Countdown. You'll record the lowest score ever.
Sorry why do you feel the need to make yourself intellectual by inferring your better at making words up from random letters
Do you feel unloved today
Nice looking cat just a shame it's attached to a knob jockey
We like a bit of banter on The Pit and I know Mark can stand on his own two feet, however I’m afraid I don’t think you’ve earned the right to say that on here mate.

I like the Local Boozer analogy myself, I think you’d be getting a good hiding if you rocked up in a pub that you hadn’t earned respect in and started being a gobshite.

Let’s put this one down to experience and turn it in please lad.
Thanks Ben.
Piking Plonker
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Re: Catfish set up

Post by Pikerd74 »

JoeNickel wrote: Mon Jul 29 2024 18:56 -
Mark Phillips wrote: Tue Jul 23 2024 19:37 -
I used Shimano 4500Bs for years and they served me well. Then switched over to the Shimano D series, the 8000D is the size I use. The clutch and baitrunner on them is very good, probably not as good as the B reel, but close enough; much better line lay though and smoother to use IMO.
Any reason why you'd recommend the D over the OC, Mark? Or are you not - that just happens to be what you use...?
I’ve got 6000ocs and the 6000d the only difference other than the ascetics is the D have a one piece bail arm, so the line falls naturally into the line roller without restriction and the D has carbon textured drag washers whereas the oc has standard fibre washers.
You can convert the bail and the drag washers on the OC but it will cost about the same as the difference between the two.
I actually prefer the Matt finish of the oc rather than the glossy body of the D which shows scratches and wear more readily.
Both cracking reels.
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Re: Catfish set up

Post by Ben »

Mark Phillips wrote: Mon Jul 29 2024 19:41 -
Ben wrote: Sun Jul 28 2024 20:06 -
--Ped-- wrote: Sun Jul 28 2024 15:58 -
Mark Phillips wrote: Sun Jul 28 2024 14:35 -
--Ped-- wrote: Sun Jul 28 2024 11:34 -
Mark Phillips wrote: Sat Jul 27 2024 20:05 -
--Ped-- wrote: Fri Jul 26 2024 20:06 -
Mark Phillips wrote: Thu Jul 25 2024 19:26 -
--Ped-- wrote: Thu Jul 25 2024 19:09 -
4.5lb tc rods really as a min and look for shimano 6500 reels
Carp rods are not suitable for cats and neither are pike gear
Line wise 30-40lb mono or 80lb braid
No 4.5 tc is not a minimum and test curve is only a guide to its function and shorter rods, around 10ft are actually better suited to catfishing. You CAN use pike gear, a decent dead bait rod makes a good cat rod for fish up to around 50lb fishing open water. I've used DLST BB350's for cats and they've been very good. 15 to 20lb mono is more than sufficient and 50lb braid. This is the UK FFS. The only thing you have got right is about using carp rods, most typically designed for casting, but some can be used for smaller cats. I've had a few fish to mid 40s on my Free Spirit ES rods, 12ft 2.75tc. They're not distance rods and are very good for absorbing lunges at close range. As to reels, again, depends mainly on how far out you're fishing. You do not need big reels if most of your catfishing is under 100 yards. I get the impression you'd use a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Just saying, as people look to this Forum for solid advice from people who have the experience. You don't need to go ultra heavy for most UK catfishing situations, you just don't, especially when they run smaller, as the OP was indicating for their water.
there seems to be a trend for people don't fish for cats spouting that carp gear or pike gear is ok for cats -IT'S NOT just because somene who accidently catches one whilst fishing for other species land one on tackle that isn't strong enough it doesn't make it suitable
would you fish for pike without a trace with a match rod -i hope not so don't advise novices to catfish to use unsuitable equipment
But I do fish for cats, have done for many years, plenty of your CCG bum chums will know me and for years I was regular on their Forum; you may want to re-read my comments, as your little rant indicates you have misunderstood or chosen to ignore them and invent your own narrative. I am simply saying, 'horses for courses'. Your analogy of fishing for pike without a trace or with a match rod is about as compelling as a melted ice cream. You advocate targeting small to medium sized cats with gear you could literally land sharks on, OK... have fun with that. The first couple of waters I fished for them, they ran to 40lb, most were 20's. I easily managed them on my dead bait rods, no issues at all. I only bought dedicated cat rods, Daiwa Powermesh 4lb tc when I started to fish waters where 40lb fish were the norm and they ran to 100lb plus. Having caught plenty of those, again, no issues whatsoever in controlling fish and landing them quickly; I've always used 50lb braid or 20lb mono as mainline on mid-sized 4500B or now 8000D reels. Your 'advice' is telling people to spend a small fortune on gear that's way OTT for most UK waters. I don't get the mindset some have towards cats, maybe they think the heavier the gear they use, the more it makes them feel like a big man or something like that. You only need to step it up if you're fishing for really big cats and we don't have many of them over here. The biggest irony of all, most anglers I see on the bank don't play cats very well no matter what gear they use. Anyway, I let the OP make up their own mind :roll:
has some one on the CCG touched you in an impropper way as you don't seem to like them
did they tell you you were a knob for using carp gear for cats
have you got a small man complex as you seem to want to bring manliness into the gear you use
does it make you feel good to use the lightest tackle to land a fish even if it is to a detriment to the fish
all i can say is your a dick if you purposely target catys on carp gear
Oh dear, what ever you do, don't become a contestant on Countdown. You'll record the lowest score ever.
Sorry why do you feel the need to make yourself intellectual by inferring your better at making words up from random letters
Do you feel unloved today
Nice looking cat just a shame it's attached to a knob jockey
We like a bit of banter on The Pit and I know Mark can stand on his own two feet, however I’m afraid I don’t think you’ve earned the right to say that on here mate.

I like the Local Boozer analogy myself, I think you’d be getting a good hiding if you rocked up in a pub that you hadn’t earned respect in and started being a gobshite.

Let’s put this one down to experience and turn it in please lad.
Thanks Ben.
No problem Mark, you’ve earned the right for a bit of banter with what you’ve contributed to the forum over many years :handshake:
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Re: Catfish set up

Post by Pikerd74 »

Mark Phillips wrote: Mon Jul 29 2024 19:40 -
Pikerd74 wrote: Sun Jul 28 2024 21:09 -
Mark Phillips wrote: Sun Jul 28 2024 15:00 -
davelumb wrote: Sun Jul 28 2024 12:19 -
From the CCG site:
Perhaps the best advice for beginners dipping a toe into catting for the first time is to target small to medium sized cats on a heavily stocked water and use the heaviest pike dead baiting style rod you have until you can progress to purpose made catfish rods.
Exactly how I started out and sound advice for people new to catfishing, especially fishing waters where they average 20-30lb. Your typical 3.5tc pike rod and a mid sized baitrunner will be more than adequate, landing fish pretty quickly and if you do occasionally get a bigger one, they'll be fine. I wouldn't advocate carp rods though, as most are designed more for casting, but if you only occasionally fish for cats and again, they're not huge, you'll be OK. I fish a water at the moment where I am almost the only person who targets the cats and when one of the carp guys hooks one, they don't exactly struggle to get them in; they run to around 70lb in that water, but most fish are 30ish. Anyway, as many of you know, I don't often post pictures of what I catch, but since someone clearly wants to be my new bestie, here's me with a 61lb fish caught using a BB350 and a 4500B with 50lb Powerpro, 45lb Quicksilver hooklink. From memory, I landed it in about 5 or 6 minutes on pike gear :laughs:

You said in an earlier post Mark that at times the cats were more than obliging and other times very hard to tempt, is there any particular time of year to focus my efforts?
I've done best at two distinct times; first in the spring, as they become active as crucially the water temps rise and they need to feed. The good thing there is the lack of other other anglers, particularly the carp lads, which means you can pick and chose swims and the cats won't have been caught for a while. It's not so easy working out when to kick off, but I've actually caught them with a ground frost in late March. Generally though, I'd say get at them early to mid April and you should do well and then I find things slow down into May/June and then kind of plateau out into the summer. The other time is when it's really warm and muggy; some of my best days have been in those conditions. Often when there's thunderstorms - obviously reel in if you get one overhead. Horrible conditions to fish in, but they do seem to like it. I can think of one well known catfish water where I'd re-arrange my schedule just to be on there when those conditions were forecast. I'd therefore focus early season and then max you chances in hot, muggy conditions - like we're going to get this week.
I could start targeting the cats after the river session has closed, I usually target tench at that point but I’m looking to break out of the cycle I have become locked into over the last decade plus.
That’s interesting about the thunderstorms, the cat I caught many moons ago while carping was just after a storm passed overhead, I have to admit I was in two mind whether to pick the rod up.
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Graham Benyon
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Re: Catfish set up

Post by Graham Benyon »

15-20lb line is not the ideal option for cats in my experience. 30-40lb mono would be much more suitable. Personally I use 80lb braid with a heavy mono leader with 3ft of tubing. The hook-link also needs to be heavy as well as a cats pads will shred a thin braid. Coated braid or heavy braid is recommended.
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Re: Catfish set up

Post by Pikerd74 »

Graham Benyon wrote: Wed Jul 31 2024 21:17 -
15-20lb line is not the ideal option for cats in my experience. 30-40lb mono would be much more suitable. Personally I use 80lb braid with a heavy mono leader with 3ft of tubing. The hook-link also needs to be heavy as well as a cats pads will shred a thin braid. Coated braid or heavy braid is recommended.
Thanks for your input Graham, the lake rules state a minimum of 25lb line for cats, they also permit braid too which is my choice for most of my predator angling.
They also state that 60cms of tubing should cover the braid perhaps I should go longer, have you ever had a cat get wrapped around the line?
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Graham Benyon
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Re: Catfish set up

Post by Graham Benyon »

They can role on the line when they suface and slap their tales on the water. It is also a good protection against lilies and branches. Your hook link must be heavy duty braid to. I suggest you look at the various cat fishing suppliers. Cat Fish Pro, Tuggin Tackle and maybe Target Baits. The pellets I use Squid Stew Pellets, are from Catfish Bait UK. They will last a good 12 hours on the hook.
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Re: Catfish set up

Post by Pikerd74 »

Graham Benyon wrote: Wed Jul 31 2024 21:44 -
They can role on the line when they suface and slap their tales on the water. It is also a good protection against lilies and branches. Your hook link must be heavy duty braid to. I suggest you look at the various cat fishing suppliers. Cat Fish Pro, Tuggin Tackle and maybe Target Baits. The pellets I use Squid Stew Pellets, are from Catfish Bait UK. They will last a good 12 hours on the hook.
The Catfish pro website is saved to my favourites, any excuse to by more tackle…what rods would you use in a lake where the largest weigh in at 60lb?
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Re: Catfish set up

Post by Crackoff »

NGT do a good cat rod cheep as chips :wink: ... R9EALw_wcB

Don't knock em lads of guys use them :thumbs:

Grant :smile:
Grant Everson :smile:

To that one soul reading this
I know your tired fed up and close to braking
But theres strength within you even when you feel week
You've come too far to give up now
Stay strong and keep fighting
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Re: Catfish set up

Post by Pikerd74 »

Crackoff wrote: Tue Aug 13 2024 21:14 -
NGT do a good cat rod cheep as chips :wink: ... R9EALw_wcB

Don't knock em lads of guys use them :thumbs:

Grant :smile:
They are very reasonable priced, I have seen them in the flesh too and they felt ok in fairness. I think I have decided on the wychwood cat rods 11ft 4lb tc
ian whittaker
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Re: Catfish set up

Post by ian whittaker »

If you’re adding to your arsenal the Agitators look like a good addition that won’t break the bank that should be good enough for any uk cats you fancy .
Reel wise you look ok .
Mainline I think Mark is on the light side tbh .30lb mono / 80lb braid is a better choice that won’t be detrimental to your fishing .
Hooklength :- a decent thick 0.8/1.0mm cat specific braid for bottom baits or heavy mono 80/100lb mono for off bottom / livebait rigs-
Rig tube wise - Catpro tungsten tubing does the job well and Target have just added one to their range should you need to use tubing on bottom rigs .
Slings and weighing kit : you probably have kit capable of weighing 40lb+ pike which should be ok for similar sized cats .
My advice generally is , if in doubt beef up a bit 👌I started on 1.75lb rods n 25lb braid ….. 😬
You will soon find out if you’ve been mislead by egotists .
Posts: 962
Joined: Sat Oct 17 2020 17:04

Re: Catfish set up

Post by Pikerd74 »

ian whittaker wrote: Thu Aug 15 2024 21:37 -
If you’re adding to your arsenal the Agitators look like a good addition that won’t break the bank that should be good enough for any uk cats you fancy .
Reel wise you look ok .
Mainline I think Mark is on the light side tbh .30lb mono / 80lb braid is a better choice that won’t be detrimental to your fishing .
Hooklength :- a decent thick 0.8/1.0mm cat specific braid for bottom baits or heavy mono 80/100lb mono for off bottom / livebait rigs-
Rig tube wise - Catpro tungsten tubing does the job well and Target have just added one to their range should you need to use tubing on bottom rigs .
Slings and weighing kit : you probably have kit capable of weighing 40lb+ pike which should be ok for similar sized cats .
My advice generally is , if in doubt beef up a bit 👌I started on 1.75lb rods n 25lb braid ….. 😬
You will soon find out if you’ve been mislead by egotists .
Thanks for your advice, I’m getting the tackle together only the 50” net to get and a bigger mat 👍🏻
ian whittaker
Posts: 18
Joined: Fri Nov 20 2015 15:57

Re: Catfish set up

Post by ian whittaker »

CnC products 60” net for proper cats and a 50” Shakespeare £20er off eBay for smaller cats :thumbs:
ian whittaker
Posts: 18
Joined: Fri Nov 20 2015 15:57

Re: Catfish set up

Post by ian whittaker »

CnC cat trough is worth a look too 👌
Posts: 962
Joined: Sat Oct 17 2020 17:04

Re: Catfish set up

Post by Pikerd74 »

ian whittaker wrote: Thu Aug 15 2024 23:11 -
CnC cat trough is worth a look too 👌
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