Canal perch floats

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Jack Pike
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Canal perch floats

Post by adam11 »

I've been fishing for many years but the only float fishing I've ever done is trotting a stick float, as a confirmed ledger and lure angler I'm clueless when it comes to float selection for specific jobs.
After some decent success fishing on my local canals using lobworms on the tip I've decided I fancy a bit of float fishing using lobworms but what type / weight float do I use? I've read, watched and asked but getting lot's of different answers. I'll be targeting the bottom of the near shelf about five foot in depth using a bulk (shot or Olivette) and dropper shot obviously it's only a short cast.
I've come across people using everything from pole floats to insert wagglers, chubbers and bobbers. So what style of float would you recommend and more importantly why? as I want to understand why I'm using something not just what to use.
Thanks for any advice 😉
Old Mate
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Re: Canal perch floats

Post by Old Mate »

Hi Adam,
I have not fished for perch for ages but do use a similar method for a similar species locally. To fish a lobworm I would use a decent sized float with a good proportion of it above the surface. The reason being small fish love worms and a nibble from a tiddler will sink a finely balanced float, the angler strikes and loses the worm because the hook is not in the fishes mouth. A larger buoyant float will require a harder pull from the fish and you have a better chance of a hookup. So a good size chubber would be suitable. I would also consider a worm suspended at midwater.
Cheers, Andy
Andy Falkner
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Re: Canal perch floats

Post by Jack H »

For perch I like the drennan loafers and bobbers. I find there perfect for holding a larger bait such as a whole lobworm or bunch of dendrobenas. Don’t worry about shotting the float right down as perch bites, particularly big ones tend to be fairly positive. I like a bulk shot about halfway between the hook and float. Don’t tend to use a hook length, just 5lb straight through. The loafers in the largest size can also be used for small live baits. A tip with any sort of float fishing for perch is to give the float a twitch every once in a while. That couple of seconds of movement can sometimes entice a bite.

Hope this helps.Loose feed maggots into your swim via a bait dropper to attract small silvers, and the perch won’t be far behind.

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Re: Canal perch floats

Post by stubbojo »

smallish pike float korum 8 gram i think is the one i used for perch or a big pellet waggler , weight on the bottom fixed paternoster size 6 or 4 hook , fish it about 18 inch off the bottom worms or lives , dont forget wire if pike are present .......the perch dont mind wire ......caught loads on it .........

Jack Pike
Jack Pike
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Re: Canal perch floats

Post by adam11 »

Thanks for the replies 😊
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Re: Canal perch floats

Post by Oldskoolfool »

For a long time I have used a 3.6g drennan Crystal chubber shotted with a 3.5g in line ollivette - c*cks the float perfectly

As its a top to bottom float I will swap towards similar sized Crystal waggler if really windy fished lift method style
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Re: Canal perch floats

Post by JasonR »

Try the korum glide missile floats, they are good.
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Jack Pike
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Re: Canal perch floats

Post by Sebas »

Any decent Chubber/Loafer or Bobber will do the job perfectly. Premier & Drennan both make some great perch floats.
Mmmmmmmm yes
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Re: Canal perch floats

Post by Solihullangler »

I use a long rod and a pole float if fishing a worm on the bottom . Minimal resistance and optimum sensitivity . For anything else like lives or full lobworm off the bottom I use a Drennan Loafer . They have stood the test of time and I can't fault them . I always use an Olivette held in position with drennan float stops top and bottom ... tight lines ...
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